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8 Things To Consider For Successful Business Website

8 Things To Consider For Successful Business Website | edtechreader

Websites are an essential aspect of making a business successful nowadays. It creates authenticity in your company and helps your users to get in touch. But creating an up-and-running business website is not enough nowadays. You will need many things to keep it relevant and attract new customers.

Many certain things help you make an effective website. In this article, we will discuss eight factors you should consider while undertaking web design and development services so that your result helps you gain your business on digital marketplaces.

Factors to make your business website successful

1. Mobile responsive design is a must

By the end of the current year, 89% of mobile phone users will be around the. That is almost 90%, which is 9 out of 10 people will have a mobile phone in their hand. Smartphones have already become a prominent means of accessing the Internet. More than 60% of smartphone users surf the Internet and browse business websites through their mobile devices.

Business owners must ensure their potential customers get a seamless experience of visiting websites through mobile phones. So, having a mobile-friendly site is the most important thing you would want to consider to ensure the success of your business website. Therefore, your website’s layout should accommodate any screen being browsed without distortion or misalignments.

2. Keep the navigation seamless

Easy navigation is critical for your users to have a good experience on your website. According to Dan Veltri, co-founder, and chief product officer of Weebly, your navigation bar should have a clean and decluttered look with no more than five clearly-labeled tabs. And other related pages should be organized under them.

Moreover, your website should also feature a clear way to return to the home page, no matter where your site visitors are dwelling. Often, Google may rank your website pages individually and take your reader to a page other than the home page. And if they want to learn more about your business by landing on your home page, they should be able to do so without externally typing your site URL in Google’s URL bar.

3. Understand the need for speed

Research has revealed that users might bounce back to their competitors if a site takes more than five seconds to load. In this fast-paced world, no one has time to wait for a site to load fully. If yours takes time, your potential customers will choose your competition over you, resulting in a loss of potential leads.

Moreover, lower speed also indicates the low quality of the website. So, even if some users stay there waiting for your site to load completely, there is very little chance that they will make a purchase. So ensure your site runs smoothly by keeping the software updated and optimizing media files for quicker downloads.

4. Keep the design simple

Your primary goal of a website is to allow your users to grasp information and understand your business in the simplest way possible. This means you have to limit fonts, images, and colours that might distract their attention from the webpage. Distribute your content in short paragraphs and bulleted lists. This makes it easily comprehensible. Your paragraph should also have less than six lines for it to be seamlessly readable from mobile devices.

5. Make it easy to find contact information

If your website is just meant to give your users information, ensure they can easily find your contact details to contact you for sales. Your contact information should be visible to your visitors. Put that at the top of the web page, so your potential buyers don’t have to put extra effort into finding that. 

6. Incorporate a call to action

Your web pages should have a clear call-to-action at the end. There is no point in offering your users information without telling them what to do with it. Therefore, feature a call to action below the article to guide your potential customers on what they should do next.

7. Follow SEO best practices

SEO is an essential aspect for any business website to grow organically. So make sure your website is optimized at every SEO ranking factor. This includes optimizing speed, responsiveness, keywords, meta tags, and various other factors that increase the chances of your website ranking higher on search engine result pages.

8. Create personalized experiences

Personalization is a surefire way to convert your visitors into customers and make them loyal to your brand. Identify your customer’s preferences and offer them the best services or products. You should represent relevant information that engages your customers and provide them with value.


In this highly digitized world, every business needs a website to flourish. But there is no point in having a website only if it isn’t progressing. In this article, we discussed some things you should consider when leveraging the best web design and development services. But for these things to work effectively, you need a reliable tech partner to carry it out right. So, whether you hire developers online or from your local software development agency, make sure they are competent enough to incorporate these factors into your site and deliver seamless results.

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