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Examples Of Companies That Have A Great Organizational Culture

Having a great organizational culture is no longer just an option for today’s employees, it is just as important to them as salary and benefits. In fact, a great organizational culture is almost as much a part of employee expectations as traditional benefits. Although a culture that works for one organization may not work for another, you can learn from companies that are successful in this area, examine their successful organizational culture, and then build your own. In this article, we examine examples of the organizational culture of successful companies

1. Zappos

As the first example of a successful organizational culture, we examine the culture of Zappos; Zappos’ culture is as famous as the shoes it sells online. What is their culture like?

At Zappos, the hiring process begins with an interview to determine the cultural fit, which carries almost half of the weight of the final decision to hire the applicant.

If new hires decide during their first week of training that the job isn’t right for them and tell the truth, Zappos pays them $2,000. 10 key values ​​are taught to each team member.

Salary increases are given to employees who successfully pass skill tests and show increasing ability; Organizational policies have no role in it. Parts of the budget are dedicated to team building and culture promotion activities.

Excellent benefits and a pleasant work environment committed to delighting customers fit perfectly with Zappos’ approach to corporate culture. When you have the right organizational culture, good customer service and a great brand will come naturally.

Tip: For recruitment, Zappos cares more about the fit with the organizational culture than anything else. The organizational culture of this company is clear and matching it is the most important thing that managers pay attention to when hiring. This will make their desired culture more prevalent in the organization and have happier employees, which ultimately leads to happy customers.

2. Warby Parker

Warby Parker, a manufacturer, and seller of prescription glasses has been in business since 2010. The company designs its own glasses and sells them directly to customers to cut out middlemen and keep prices low.

The organizational culture at Warby Parker is loved by most people and this level of success is due to having an independent culture team. The existence of this team shows that positive culture is leading in this company. This situation has been formed following the holding of events, programs, and attractive lunches.

At this company, there is always an event coming up so that team members have something to look forward to; Also, the company uses certain methods to make sure team members can work well together; For example, by insisting that all team members clean the break room together, or by randomly inviting team members out to lunch.

Note: Warby Parker consciously and calculated the culture of its organization by forming a dedicated team for planning events and programs that encourage teamwork and unity. A great organizational culture is never created by itself. Does Warby Parker Take Insurance?

3. Southwest Airlines

The third example of a successful organizational culture is the organizational culture of Southwest Airlines. The airline industry is often derided for having grumpy employees and poor customer service, but Southwest Airlines defies all of those stereotypes. Loyal customers of Southwest know this company for having polite and kind employees who do not spare any effort to help them.

Southwest is not a new company and has been operating for almost 43 years; Despite this, he has been able to achieve his goals and vision throughout his career conveying his

Southwest also “allows” its employees to do whatever it takes to make the customer happy; By doing so, it empowers them to do whatever they think is necessary to achieve the vision.

Tip: Employees who believe in a greater common goal are those who are happy and excited to contribute to the greater goal .

4. Twitter

Twitter employees always praise their good organizational culture. Rooftop meetings, friendly colleagues, and a team-oriented environment where everyone is motivated by the company’s goals contribute to the success of its culture.

Twitter employees can also enjoy free meals, yoga classes, and unlimited vacation time at their San Francisco headquarters. These job opportunities and perks are not uncommon in the startup world, so what sets Twitter apart from the rest?

Twitter employees always rave about how much they enjoy working with smart people. They always talk about being part of a company that actually does something that matters and has value to the whole world. They also have a habit of not leaving the workplace until they have completed a task.

Tip: No workplace can compete with team members who are not only nice and kind, but also great at their jobs and love their work. No program, activity, or set of rules can do better than having happy employees who feel that what they do matters.

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