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How Long Does A Hair Transplant Surgery Take To Work?

hair transplant India | edtechreader

Doesn’t ageing make you nervous? You start worrying about your appearance, general health, and personality once you cross the thirty-year-old threshold. There is not a single individual on the earth who does not want to always look young. Alas! Only in fiction do vampires exist. Therefore, maintaining the beauty of our appearance is crucial to us. If we lose hair, how can we keep things the same? Yes, being bald can also be attractive, but not everybody can do it with confidence. You begin seeking a hair transplant specialist in such a circumstance.

How Does A Hair Transplant Surgery Work?

Everyone who is looking for a hair transplant surgery must be wondering how long a hair transplant takes to work. This is because everyone is eager to welcome their results. Before diving in it is important to understand how a hair transplant work.

It is quite surprising for us to know that no matter how soon you will get bald, you will always have a donor area on your scalp, which possesses hair. Generally, the donor area is the back of your scalp. So, the hair transplant process involves extracting hair grafts from your donor area and implanting them in the recipient area, where exactly the bald portion is. In the advanced grade of baldness, hair is extracted from your beard, chest, abdomen, etc. The newest technique involved in this process is the DHT technique, the direct hair transplant technique.

How Soon You Can See New Hair?

Hair transplantation treatment is a process as well as a technique. It can take up to a year or sometimes even one and a half years for the growing hair to thicken, and fully develop as long as it is immediately transferred from the donor site to the bald area. The hair will start to fall out four to six weeks just after hair transplantation has been implanted. The follicle will be securely left behind and new hair will begin to grow after three to five months of hair restoration.

The Hidden Truth Of Hair Transplants And Hair Cycle

Not many are aware of the terms anagen synchronization and anagen desynchronization. But, these two are basically the hidden truth of a hair transplant. Many who have undergone a hair transplant might have witnessed spellbinding results. Later on, after 13-14

months they might have encountered shedding of transplanted hair. Well, this is not something to be worried about. This is the phenomenon of anagen synchronization and anagen desynchronization. To understand this we first need to understand the hair cycle.

Normal hair cycle:

Understanding the hair cycle is pivotal to understanding the dynamics of hair growth in transplanted hair in a normal scalp and a balding scalp. In a normal scalp, 80% of the hair is in the anagen or growth phase. The anagen phase lasts for 2-6 years. Then, there is a brief transition phase which lasts for only a few weeks. It is called the catagen phase. Only 1% of hair follicles are in this phase. Finally, comes the resting phase, known as the telogen phase. In this phase, hair stops growing and ultimately falls off after a few months. The duration of this phase is somewhere around 6-8 weeks and sometimes it goes up to three months. Around 19% of hair is in this phase.

Anagen synchronization and desynchronization:

When a hair transplant surgery is done, all the implanted hair enters into hair cycle synchronization phase. Generally, the hair cycle is in the desynchronized phase. Post-transplant hair undergoes a telogen phase. The transplanted hair falls off as telogen effluvium after one month. Then they start growing, consequently, their anagen phase gets synchronized. It has been observed that after 9-10 months of surgery, all hair is in a growing phase, which is known as anagen synchronization.

This is the phase of elation for patients. Almost 95-100% of the transplanted hair is seen growing. Whereas, in the further transition of a few months, around 13-14 months of transplant hair enter into the phase of anagen desynchronization. Only 80% of hair is in the anagen phase. Reduction in hair volume is up to 20%. This phase of reduction is known as anagen desynchronization. One must not panic seeing this. It is quite normal to panic seeing your transplanted hair shedding. But, this is the normal hair cycle of the transplanted hair. Consequently, there is no need at all to be worried. Also, this is the final result you must expect in the future.

The result that we achieve in the anagen desynchronization phase, between 13-15 months is the final result. This is not going to diminish further. This represents 80% of the transplanted hair. In spite of this reduction, the final hair is enough to hide the baldness. A hair transplant is the art of creating an illusion of density. Thus, one must not expect the original density. But, the right doctor will do it in such a manner that the perfect illusion of full density will be created. Before going for a transplant, you must understand the phenomenon of anagen synchronization and anagen desynchronization.

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