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How to write a job resignation letter?

How to write a job resignation letter?

Either because your company does not give you the opportunity to make decisions, you do not find growth prospects, you do not have flexible hours or simply because your values ​​are not aligned with those of your company, it may be that you do not feel valued, the main reason why most people decide to leave their job, according to a study by the American Psychological Association.

Leaving a company is not easy, especially when you have a position of responsibility. In this article we tell you what you need to know about how to write a job resignation letter

Why write a resignation letter?

You have to be aware that every exit from a company has its processes. The resignation letter is the formalization of said processes, as it will alert our superiors when we are leaving.

We may wonder why it is convenient to respect these processes and in particular to write a letter of resignation. We highlight three reasons: legal, ethical or future work.

It is also advisable to request a letter of recommendation from our superior, if we have a good relationship with him/her. In this way, we will demonstrate our capacity for work, proactivity and that we are transparent.

Now that you know what the use of a resignation letter is, let’s see what format it should have. This will serve us in any case and internationally.

What is a job resignation letter and how to write it?

A letter of resignation is an official document of no more than one page, with a formal letter structure. Like any letter, it contains the sections of the sender, the recipient, the greeting, the body, the farewell and the signature. Even so, a resignation letter has its specific specifications and is usually structured in this way:


In the header you must put all your contact information so that the company can contact you. Surely you already have the list prepared in your CV, we are going to list them: name and surname, address, telephone number and personal email.

Finally, add the date you wrote the letter. The day established in the date will be the one that will be used to count the 15 days of notice, those that are stipulated in the agreement or the time that you decide to leave the company.


In this section you must write the name of your supervisor and his position, together with the company and its address. It is optional to also put your phone number or email. This section must be aligned on the left side of the letter and it is important because it will show that you delivered the letter to your superior, being your insurance in case the company wants to contact him in the future.

Letter salutation

Being an official letter, you must use a formal record. We will use introductions such as Dear or Appreciated. Depending on the degree of trust established with the person who supervised us, we will address them using their name or writing Mr. or Mrs. followed by their last name. Even so, no matter how well we get along with our superior, we must avoid treating him face to face in the resignation letter.

First paragraph: Notify of the resignation

In a brief and concise way, we are going to communicate that we are leaving our job. If we feel that way, we can regret our departure. Optionally, we can explain the reasons that led us to make that decision, as long as they are understandable and not offensive. Each situation is different and each one knows the relationship with their boss and their company, so no one better than you will know how to channel that information in the best way.

Second paragraph: Thank you for the treatment received

If it has been an enriching experience, dedicate a paragraph to praise the treatment you received, everything you have learned and how much you will miss the work environment. You may need more than one paragraph, if the experience has been very positive. However, try to keep it brief and avoid making the letter longer than one page.

If, on the contrary, you have had a negative experience, it is time to give up your pride and write a more generic letter with formalities, thanking you for the opportunity and wishing both the company and your colleagues a good future.

Third paragraph: Reaching out for an optimal transfer

It is time to think about the future of the company and the position that you will leave vacant and, for this, it is important to offer yourself for a quick and effective transfer. Some tasks that you could offer to carry out and that you could capture in your letter:

Generate a document with all the ins and outs of your position, so that it is understandable to anyone who applies for your position.

To end a round letter, it is important to close it with a formal farewell, such as “Sincerely” or “Cordially”, followed by our signature and full name.

Example of a resignation letter

“I don’t feel valued in the company”

If you’re feeling this frustrated in your job, you probably don’t want to go into too much detail about why you’re leaving. In any case, it is better to avoid mentioning that you are not comfortable. What you are looking for is a short and practical letter, avoiding the reasons section, greatly simplifying the thank you section and without giving rise to a transfer to your substitute, only what is legally required. In this case, we recommend keeping your composure and measuring your words well.

Example of a short and practical resignation letter:

Dear (sender of the letter, your superior or your boss).

I hereby notify you of my irrevocable decision to resign from my position as (title of work performed), which I have held from (start date) to (end date, including 15 days after notice).

I appreciate the treatment received and I inform you that I am going to make the 15-day notice period according to the law so that you can reorganize the department.


(Name, signature and date)


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