e-learning platform | edtechreader

Any individual has a fundamental right to food, apparel, and education. Usually, federal structures promise and often arrange for free education, but their quality is often different from the non-governmental teaching avenues. The global educational market has grown from $3,173.75 billion in 2022 to USD 3,421.26 billion in 2023. It also reports a projection of 7% CAGR, which can generate about USD 4,479.94 billion in 2027

The definition of e-learning and e-learning channel

In earlier days, people used to study in classrooms, where teachers trained students using chalk and blackboard. However, the modes of imparting education have evolved significantly. The e-learning process has made the giving and taking of knowledge simpler, more productive, and more fertile. 

  • E-learning: It is defined as the process of sharing knowledge through channels requiring a computer or similar device access. In the current educational scenario, e-learning is the practice of teaching courses explicitly delivered over the Internet. Experts also use this synonymously with web-based training or online tutoring. 

However, the basic concept remains the same. Contemporary tutors are using these technologies in abundance and offering education in a simpler, easier, and most effective way. 

  • E-learning channels: These are the avenues through which an education-seeker can achieve their required courses. This method doesn’t need the physical presence of a teacher. Some of these channels are given below:
  1. E-books
  2. Webinars
  3. CDs
  4. Videos

There are many other ways one can get the teaching one needs. The diverse, practical uses of different e-learning channels have revolutionized the educational system. 

How the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted online learning

The worldwide outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 has changed many things in function and usage. Almost all countries had to impose lockdowns. Although the self-practiced staying at home gradually halted the virus’s growth, it also negatively affected children’s education. All the schools were closed, and their authorities had to employ e-learning business techniques to ensure the continuation of the children’s education. 

The main advantage of e-learning is its complete independence from a specific teaching location. Students during the pandemic could join the online classes from home with even a basic smartphone. The teachers could use various online tools to engage their students and impart the best quality training. Even after the infection ratio is slowly lessening, many people still prefer to teach their students through online classes. 

The situation was more apparent for students/people opting for specialized courses in foreign universities. They could continue their courses and give exams, even after most had to go home for an extended time. 

Why everyone in the future will learn online

There is a psychological benefit to school life, and the cognitive and social training classroom teaching provides. However, people always seek a more accessible and far-reaching solution for their problems. It also extends to education. 

In several countries, schools have reopened, and studies have started to continue. However, that doesn’t negate the immense benefits e-learning has offered. Some of these advantages capable of shifting the general people to online education are listed below:

  • Available from everywhere

The independence of being at a specific location made e-learning a privileged educational mode. In the pre-COVID times, students had to be present in the classroom, in front of the teachers, and on time to attend their lectures. E-learning channels have eradicated the borderline and enabled students from far-off places to attend classes at well-known institutions quickly. Several programs are now present to detect attendance and cheating – so they can replace classroom teaching in the future. 

  • Relief from time-constraint in several cases

In the case of courses outside the public school or college syllabus, many institutes are engaging e-learning practices to educate their students. Most of these schools have students worldwide, and it may only be possible for some of them to attend simultaneously. Therefore, these institutes upload their lectures on social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter. Many of them, upload video lectures on their domain, which the students can follow at their pace. 

  • Reduced miscellaneous costs

In many institutions, uniforms and specific books are mandatory and cost quite a bit. any institutions, this is an avenue of significant income but a real burden for several students. In online teaching, you can take your class comfortably unless you are required to show your face on the camera. Most course materials are in e-book format and downloadable, so students wouldn’t have to spend money on costly academic materials. 

  • Increased access and understanding of technology by teachers and students

The number of students and teachers comfortable with technology is increasing rapidly, resulting in augmented online class numbers. A well-known online e-learning channel reported 70 million online registrations in 2021, compared to 7 million (on average) up to 2019. This number will increase to 91 million in 2022. 

Enrolment numbers worldwide for online courses increased by 100% in 2021 and peaked at 189 million in 2022. These and other reasons have created a significantly large fan base for e-learning, so opening an online teaching channel can be significant. 

  • Demand for teachers with online skills

People educate themselves to use it and earn in the future, and the pandemic has expressly brought forward the necessity of learning online skills. It has also changed the workforce patterns in the field, where the demand for skilled workers in e-learning infrastructure is rapidly increasing. Therefore, the institutes are hiring more teachers who know the nuances of online working. It is creating a better chance for equity in education.    

Benefits of the learning modes of the future

Even before the pandemic, people were slowly taking to online classes. However, the need for a computer and basic internet connection speeds didn’t help it to become for the general public. The computational devices became brilliant, and newer generations of connectivity came into play. The efficacy and customer base of e-learning channels also became evident. Some of the advantages of these educational aspects are given below:

  • Cost-effectiveness

Online degrees are significantly lower in their fees than in-person training courses. According to data from verified sources:

  1. Students save USD 36,595, on average, in course fees upon opting for an online degree for a 4-year college degree course. 
  2. In-person class-attending students have to pay USD 563 more than a home-cooked meal.
  3. Students opting for e-learning can save USD 1360 in commutation costs per year. 
  • Increase in enrolment

Each institution has a specific number of seats allotted to them by the competent authorities for in-person courses. These schools have to pay hefty fees to retain a functional infrastructure. Often, deserving students miss a chance to study in their dream teaching institutions because of late replies, fulfilled seat quota, or the time to get an answer for any communication through traditional channels. 

The e-learning methods will be a great relief as the students study from their homes or anywhere other than the classroom. So, the institutes can enroll students more, increase access by students from a worldwide setting, and reduce the cost of maintaining infrastructure. Moreover, it also creates a better and more comprehensive mash-up of different cultures. 

  • Increased access of students to high-quality teaching

In established institutes, professors or academicians come from around the world to share their findings. However, in-person attendance will limit the numbers, and conferring with the visiting faculty will become more challenging. 

E-learning infrastructures can solve these problems. There are vast numbers of meeting-conducting software where thousands of people can join at once and have a wide-ranging discussion than a symposium. Moreover, easy access to broadband and internet-enabled devices has also increased students’ access to high-quality education. 

Why is GUDSHO the most effective e-learning service provider?

Creating an online channel may take a lot of work. Additionally, creating an e-learning channel where the people would have the best user experience and the creator would see tangible profit require an experienced mind and skilled hands. If you are a novice, let’s allow the most dependable e-learning service provider, GUDSHO, to design your e-learning channel. The three principal reasons for selecting them are as follows:

  • Better learning experience

They offer a most engaging platform for leveraging video to provide comprehensive educational courses. Their designs appeal to the target demographic and engage their attention successfully. Their portals have all the features for modern-day learning rebuilt into them. 

  • Dedicated channel for educators

The company offers individual and dedicated video channels for the educators selecting them. The teachers are free to offer their lessons online at their own pace and time. Their design and arrangements compel the subscribers to remain a member. 

  • Getting a scalable revenue stream

Creating an e-learning channel on the company’s website will help the member to create a sustainable income stream. They can stream and monetize their channel, and the earnings from the subscriber will continue in lockdowns or other catastrophes. 

Concluding thoughts

The importance of online tuition has increased in the past years, and recent data suggests that this trend will increase. Real-life use cases state that organizations that offer technology-based training like e-learning generate 26% more revenue per employee. IBM reported that they saved USD 200 million when they shifted their training mode to online learning from in-person training. 

So, it is best to employ the most skilled and experienced e-learning channel creators like GUSHO to ensure a steady stream of online revenues.


By Rachel

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