Custom website development company | edtechreader


A website is a virtual front desk for visitors. It presents a welcoming feel and entertains the visitors to fulfill their needs. However, most websites are not getting sufficient visitors to generate good revenues. Many reasons contribute to the traffic on a website and its retention rate. A custom website development company equips your website with powerful tools and engaging design. Audience interests determine the type of content the website needs. We present the steps to generate higher traffic on your website while attracting and retaining a large audience. We will further discuss some of the features that highly benefit a website.

Generating Traffic on a Website

There are thousands of websites on the web that are competing for viewership and visitors daily. You must have commitment and dedication to generate good traffic on a website. Following are some steps that you can take to achieve your goal.

1. Search Engine Optimization

It refers to optimizing a website’s content and ability to rank in search engines’ top results. First-page results get the most clicks at search engine sites. Therefore, opting for that place helps you win the most clicks, generating website traffic.

2. Use Landing Pages

Landing pages serve as specialized entry points for visitors. Custom website development company provides you with as many pages as you want. Use backlinks to guide the audience on specific website pages to serve their information needs accordingly. Use a clear call to action wherever you find it suitable.

3. Share Valuable Content

Sharing high-quality content that caters to audiences’ interests establishes a brand’s authority in the subject area. It helps gain the audience’s trust to engage and persuade them to buy. Content also enables you to share the brand story and gathers audience interest.

4. Join Communities and Forums

It is essential to join communities and forums that relate to your audience. Take an active part in communications to grow your network and prospective clients. It helps in understanding your audience and their interests and also helps in picking certain traits to incorporate into your brand personality.

5. Brand Association

Personify the brand on the website using brand mascots or animations to embed the common audience traits. Your audience will easily associate with the brand and become loyal with time if you provide them with sufficient engagement and positive experiences.

Features Beneficial for a Website

Website features play their role in attracting new clients while retaining the older ones. Following are some of the features beneficial for a website.

1. Product Images and Description

The basic features include product pictures, descriptions, and catalogs of your brand. However, it is necessary to guide customers to shop right away. Giving discount coupons and promo codes increases the chances of revisits. Affiliates and influencers can share such pages and attract more visitors.

2. Reviews and Ratings

Another great feature that highly benefits a website is the rating and review mechanism. Brands can gain audience trust by presenting feedback and endorsements from prior customers. Ratings can also guide visitors in making better buying decisions.

3. High-Quality Content

The higher the quality and legitimacy of the content, the higher it attracts audiences. People are curious to know everything they can. By addressing this curiosity, you might attract long-term loyal clients. It helps in generating traffic and also helps in increasing sales by using different promotion tactics.

4. Simple Design and Navigation

The simple design and navigation map are easy to use and largely acceptable. Sophistication in design and navigation leads to confusion about the website. Select the pattern your audience mostly uses and try to be unique in using interactive tools like chatbots, animations, and writing or drawing boards.

5. Power of Social Media

Websites allowing the audience to share their purchases or ask for opinions on social media gain a step ahead in marketing. Marketers want their audience to talk about the brand, share pictures, and promote word-of-mouth. Social media is a powerful tool, but you must assess what you are trying to achieve to align the marketing campaign accordingly.


Understanding the steps necessary to generate traffic helps you plan your website management appropriately. SEO tools, landing pages, and user-centric content help get audiences’ attention. In addition, joining communities or forums enable you to network with the audience and associate your brand with potential customers. A complete solution from a custom website development company will provide all the features that can benefit a website.

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