
As the popularity of P2E games across the globe is reaching new heights, the trends of P2E games are also changing from time to time. The P2E game market is one of the most popular markets in the Web 3.0 space. The rends in the P2E game market are witnessed to change from season to season. 


After the wide adoption of P2E racing games like Zed Run and pegaxy, the focus of the gaming community has shifted towards the new trend of metaverse car racing games. There are numerous budding blockchain car games coming up in the P2E game market. Since the P2E game market is set to be flooded with blockchain car racing games, it is essential for gamers to choose the most reliable P2E game in the market. 


Choosing the most reliable and in-trend metaverse car racing game will enable gamers to enjoy competitive racing. In addition, there is a huge benefit to choosing the game which is in the current trend now, Choosing the trending metaverse car game is an attractive investment idea as the gaming platform not only rewards you for your time and efforts invested in the blockchain car racing platform. But a trending game will witness a spike in their crypto token circulation which will also raise the value of your rewarded token.  

The Futuristic Metaverse Racing Game

Additionally, An ideal futuristic metaverse racing game should overcome the setbacks of the present racing games and incorporate futuristic elements into the gaming platform. Games like Zed Run and Pegaxy, which were trend-setting metaverse gaming platforms, have failed to provide an immersive racing experience. However, these popular games were confine to strategy and card gaming categories. 

The current metaverse car racing games are trying to incorporate an immersive racing experience by enabling the players to actually play the game rather than being just an automated gaming platform. 

In addition to the actual gaming experience set to raise the bar for P2E games. There is another common trend among the P2E game, regardless of the game category, called the “renting feature,” which is most anticipated by gamers.  The renting feature will enable gamers to earn a passive income by renting out the NFTs to which they possess ownership. 

Blockchain Car Racing Games That You Cannot Miss Out

Since the existing metaverse car racing games are no more the trend, it would be wise to invest in upcoming, recently launched, or top-performing blockchain racing game platforms. I have listed a set of metaverse racing platforms that might help you kickstart your P2E journey. 

RADDX Racing Metaverse

RADDX Racing metaverse is considered one of the revolutionary P2E game projects in the present time. Asia’s largest NFT marketplace, is bringing the revolution in the P2E game market with their metaverse car racing game initiative. Ahead of the metaverse gaming platform launch, has opened its waitlist to purchase NFT game assets compatible with RADDX Racing Metaverse. To our surprise, the NFTs are say to launch at $1 per NFT. This pricing strategy wins the project the title “ The most affordable P2E NFT collection ever” 

Crypto Racing

The Crypto Racing is the first multiplayer blockchain car racing game in the Web 3.0 space. This game is one of the free-to-play metaverse car racing games with P2E scope. The game provides one free car per account in order to enable the player to play the game initially. The game rewards its users with its own native crypto token called RAC.

Kart Racing League

You could have guessed what the game is like by just reading the name of the game. This game theme will bring your Mario Kart racing reminisces as the game is set to give a similar experience.  However, Kart Racing League is say to feature 3D characters as NFTs. In the game to give a better racing experience in the current trend. 

Infinite Drive

The metaverse car racing game allows interested players to purchase their official NFTs from their own NFT marketplace. To purchase in-game assets like cars and much more. However, they also support players to take their NFTs to OpenSea or Magic Eden for secondary market sale. On the other hand, Infinite Drive game is now set to enhance the racing experience for their gaming community. By featuring Aston Marting car NFTs in their gaming platform. 

REVV Racing 

The REVV racing is an arcade simulation-base blockchain car racing game. REVV Racing game is developvwith the aim of providing the gaming community. The traditional gaming experience through their metaverse car racing game. The gaming assets are available on OpenSea for 10 dollars to ten thousand dollars. 


However, There are numerous blockchain car racing games evolving in the Web 3.0 space. Since the Web 3.0 technology is in the nascent stages and projects strong adoption scope. Budding metaverse racing games in the P2E market are incorporating new features. Trends into their project to offer the community the best gaming experience. 

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