The Impact of Rising Housing Costs on Student Affordability in Cardiff | edtechreaderThe Impact of Rising Housing Costs on Student Affordability in Cardiff | edtechreader

Cardiff, the capital city of Wales, is one of the places in the United Kingdom, where many students come for getting higher education. Therefore, there are some excellent arrangements in Cardiff for international students. Some fantastic accommodations can be found in Cardiff where students can live a comfortable and enjoyable life.

Cardiff offers affordable accommodations for students. But, with the passage of time, the costs of student housing in Cardiff are also rising. Quite obviously, it puts an impact on the affordability of students. However, it very much depends upon the economic condition of the families of the students.

We can divide students into three categories in terms of family income: low-budget, medium-budget, and high-budget. Here, you will read about the impact of rising costs of student accommodation Cardiff on the affordability of both these types of students.

Impact on Students

  1. Impact on High-Budget Students

High-budget students are those who rent luxury accommodations in Cardiff. Even among such students, there may be different impacts on the basis of the financial conditions of their families. There will be no impact on some of the students whose families have very high incomes.

On the other hand, there may be some high-budget students, whose families have high incomes but are not according to the updated prices of the luxury accommodations. Such students may come under the category of medium-budget students now.

  1. Impact on Medium-Budget Students

There are many accommodation properties in Cardiff that may not be marked as luxury but still, they have excellent facilities. For some of the medium-budget students, the new cost of living in Cardiff may not be affordable. Some of these students may come under the category of low-budget overseas students.

However, like high-budget students, the financial conditions of different medium-budget students are different. Therefore, there may be some students, whose affordability may not be impacted by the rising costs.

  1. Impact on Low-Budget Students

There are different types of low-budget students in Cardiff. With rising costs, some of them may not be affordable for a few low-budget students. But, there are some, which are available at very low rents, and can still be rented by low-budget students.

Some low-budget students may still afford the accommodations which they were able to afford in the past if the economic conditions of their families are not so low.

How to Cope the Rising Costs

Still, it is not difficult for you to manage the rising costs. The first thing that you can do for this purpose is to visit the online student accommodation service platforms. These platforms are available in two forms: websites and mobile apps.

On these platforms, you can find lists of residences for students in different cities in the world including Cardiff. You can also read the details of these properties so you can also know their prices.

The best thing is that you can find accommodation according to your budget with some of your preferences by taking the help of some online features on these platforms. First, you can use the filter feature, which also provides the option to sort the accommodations according to prices from “low to high” and “high to low”. Besides, there is also a comparison feature, which allows you to compare the prices, amenities, and some more details of accommodation options in Wales.

Another thing that you can do to afford accommodation is to book a shared room. Shared rooms are occupied by multiple residents so the rent is split among all the residents of a room.

Besides, you can choose to stay in the usual houses which may not be designed for students but still can be rented by them. You can get some of these houses at low rents.

Discounts are also offered by some accommodation owners from time to time. If there are discounts available then you can find the accommodations at previous rates.

Students are also advised to search for accommodations at least three months before starting their journey to Cardiff. At this time, they can get accommodations at comparatively low rents.


Students can still get affordable accommodations in Cardiff by using the abovementioned methods.

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